All knowledge and wisdom is within you.
Release your true self and unfold your power.
I bear you witness your transformation and hold a loving space for you in which you can bring awareness and love into your emotional and thought structures. Supported by self-responsibility, I will accompany you on your path back to your heart and your inner truth.
Together we will step out of the victim role and find the courage to heal past traumas, reveal the truth and clear the ancestral line.
To arrive in the here and now,
to arrive in your power.
Letztlich geht es darum alle Illusionen loszulassen, die uns binden. Damit wir frei sind, unser Wesen zum Ausdruck zu bringen und in bedingungsloser Liebe zu leben.
For You
Do you find yourself in an endless cycle of thoughts, patterns or issues and long for change?
Are you striving for deeper access to your emotions and spirituality? Do you want to understand your body's messages, especially when physical discomfort arises?
Do you feel ready to shed the burden of the past and find inner peace? Are you longing for more strength, security and self-confidence to gain trust in yourself and in life?
Do you want a mindset characterised by positivity, clarity and constructiveness? Are you looking for a way to reconnect - be it with yourself, your inner sanctum, the greater whole, your love and your heart energy? Are you longing for more connection and harmony in your relationships and do you want to lovingly express your needs and clearly define your boundaries?
Do you want to connect with your body, your feelings, your womb space, your sexuality, your intuition, your original femininity and your creative potential and develop it to the full? Do you want to live your high sensitivity as a superpower?
Do you recognise the power and magic of these deep processes and are you looking for someone who can hold the space for you?
...and do you feel that you don't have to do it alone,
but that you can allow yourself support!
I will accompany you on your path to inner transformation,
self-discovery and a life in abundance.
Awareness of
what is there right now
I work with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and intuitive emotional process counselling (the Souljourney). Both techniques are about feeling emotions that are triggered by a specific issue or trigger in the body and transforming them at their core.
To do this, they must be seen, felt, accepted and released. Disidentification of ego attachments!
Not only your thought patterns are transformed, but also the associated feelings. We release energetic blockages and karmic entanglements.
I hold the space for you and walk with you. We immerse ourselves in inner child work, past lives, trauma-sensitive emotional work and emotional release.
I will also accompany you through the dark and painful areas of your soul. Until you reach the place where the energy flows freely again, where you can perceive love and connection again. You feel inner clarity, remember your truth or receive soul messages.
I also support you with meditations, mindfulness exercises, breath work, visualisations and positive affirmations.
You are allowed to be, with everything that is there right now!
Es entsteht eine Basis, aus der heraus du deine Realität neu kreierst und zur bewussten SchöpferIn wirst.
My work can help you with this:
Learn more about the
method and the use
of tapping acupressure
Discover more about my
intuitive & emotional
process work